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How-To Videos
May 20, 2024 How to configure Alerts on
Mar 31, 2023 Disproportionately Large Trades and Custom Search Templates
Feb 27, 2023 The implications of top ranked trades
Jan 12, 2023 How to read and interpret institutional trade clusters
Dec 11, 2022 How to read charts on
Nov 18, 2022 Introduction to

Trading Videos
June 23, 2024 $SPY, $AAPL, $NVDA, $PLTR, $XOM, $AGQ, $ANF, $INTC, $MDB, $SNOW, $VRT & $GTLB
This video discusses notable trades from the week of June 23, 2024.
June 23, 2024 ANF, GME, PYPL, BABA & more
This video discusses notable trades from the week of June 16, 2024.
Sept 19, 2023 $XLE, $XOP, $USO, $UNG
This video discusses disproportionately large bearish trades in XLE, XOP, USO, and UNG and my opinion about what to expect in the near future.
May 19, 2023 $TLT, $TMV, $TBT, $TLTW
This video discusses disproportionately large trades in treasuries that suggest a meaningful bottom is near.
May 17, 2023 $UVXY, $AMD, $MSFT, $NVDA
This video discusses disproportionately large trades in $UVXY and big-tech tickers that suggest a turn in SPY and QQQ is near.
Apr 14, 2023 $HYG, $JNK, $SPY
This video discusses disproportionately large trades in high yield bonds and their implication for indexes.
Mar 11, 2023 $SPY, $QQQ, $SSO, $SPXL, $UPRO, $QLD, $TECL, $SQQQ, $TZA
This video discusses unusual and extremely large trades in several popular leveraged ETFs.
Mar 4, 2023 $Natgas, $UNG, $BOIL, $KOLD
This video discusses the absence of meaningful trades in $UNG, $BOIL, and $KOLD after a strong rally, and the consequences thereof.
Feb 27, 2023 $KOLD
This video discusses disproportionately large trades in $UNG, $BOIL, and $KOLD in the aftermath of the #1 KOLD trade arriving on Feb 17, 2023.
Feb 25, 2023 $KOLD
This video discusses disproportionately large trades in $UNG, $BOIL, and $KOLD in the aftermath of the #1 KOLD trade arriving on Feb 17, 2023.
Feb 17, 2023 $KOLD
Largest trade since inception, and implications for $natgas.
Feb 13, 2023 $FXN
The energy bull appears to be ending.
Jan 20, 2023 $SPXS, $SDOW, $TNA
The predictive nature of disproportionately large leveraged ETF trades
Jan 20, 2023 $SSO, $SPY
Anticipating an afternoon reversal
Jan 17, 2023 $UNG
More evidence of bottoming
Jan 17, 2023 $VIXY, $SQQQ, $XLF, $IWM, $SH, $UUP
Trend Change Nearing
Jan 6, 2023 $UNG
Bottoming process has likely begun
Jan 6, 2023 $UVXY (Part 3)
Jan 1, 2023 $UVXY (Part 2)
Long setup from support
Dec 2, 2022 $UVXY
Trend Change Imminent
Nov 21, 2022 $VISA
Straddle Candidate
Oct 7, 2022 $SPXL & $UPRO
Offsetting Trades
Aug 17, 2022 $VERU
Sniffing Out a Top

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